Web Timetables

Information on how to use Web Timetables to view your personalised timetable, location bookings and course timetables

MyTimetable - Student

The University provides a personalised timetable service to students and, as a minimum, displays all whole-class activities (e.g. lectures). A number of Schools also provide group information on the student timetable (e.g. tutorials).

Access My Timetable

You can access your personalised timetable through MyEd.  'Timetables' can be found in the menu of ‘Studies’ in the My Courses column.

Login into My Ed – www.myed.ed.ac.uk

Detailed My Timetable guidance can be downloaded here (opens PDF):



MyTimetable - Staff

A number of school provide personalised timetabling services to members of teaching staff. Such timetables will include all teaching activities that you have been assigned to, such as lectures and tutorials. My Timetable will not display hold non-curriculum teaching commitments.

Access My Timetable

You can access your personalised timetable through MyEd. Timetables can be found in Teaching and Research and then in the Administration column.



Detailed My Timetable guidance can be downloaded here (opens PDF)

My Timetable Staff (703.4 KB / PDF)



If you have any questions regarding the content of your timetable, please contact your School in the first instance.

If you have any difficulties accessing Timetabling portal on MyEd or accessing MyEd, please contact IS Helpline http://www.ed.ac.uk/information-services/help-consultancy/contact-helpline