Continuous Improvement and Systems

Information on services strategy and projects aiming to improve experience of services’ users

Continuous Improvement team ensure Timetabling and Examination processes and systems are adopting to changing needs and expectations of students and staff.

We deliver change by engaging with various groups of stakeholders to identify opportunities for improvement, gather requirements and implement those via internal or university-wide projects.

We focus Continuous Improvement Programme on three main areas of work: ‘Process Excellence’, ‘Communication’ and ‘User Experience’. Each of the areas have a dedicated working group which include all Timetabling and Examinations team members in delivering change.

Our team also manage the wide-range of systems, applications and web-forms across Timetabling and Examinations, ensuring business and service continuity through regular maintenance and testing programmes and acting as the designated business contact with IS support and external vendors.



Continuous Improvement team mission is to:

  • Make sure that we know and work towards our Vision and Strategic Objectives
  • Make sure we focus on staff and student value
  • Make sure we follow standardised process to achieve the best possible outcome
  • Make sure all issues and ideas for improvements are captured and progress is reported upon
  • Make sure we monitor how we perform and measure our processes to make data driven decisions
  • Make sure we communicate effectively
  • Make sure we share knowledge effectively



Continuous Improvement team ensure Timetabling and Examination processes and systems are adopting to changing needs and expectations of students and staff.

Timetabling and Examinations services use Scientia products which are mainly Enterprise Timetabler, Web Room Bookings, Web Timetables and Resource Booker as well as Exam Scheduler.

Information on recent achievements in improving our processes and users experience

Road Map for Timetabling and Examinations