Enterprise Timetabler (TT) and Course Planner (ECP)

Guidance on using Enterprise Timetabler and Course Planner

Enterprise Training Manual

This training manual covers how to use Enterprise Course Planner (ECP) and Enterprise Timetabler (TT) to create teaching data for timetables and request rooms for teaching.

This manual includes:

  • An overview of how Teaching Data is structured and created
  • Creating Activity Templates with Course Planner (ECP)
  • Creating Activities (classes) with Course Planner (ECP)
  • Requesting rooms for teaching with Timetabler (TT)
  • Creating Jointly Taught Activities


A guidance video with step-by-step instructions on how to create templates and schedule activities with Enterprise suite is available below



Enterprise Troubleshooting Guide


This manual includes how to restart Enterprise when it has frozen.

If you require more detailed guidance on how to use Enterprise, or would like to request a training workshop with the Timetabling Unit, please email: Timetabling@ed.ac.uk