Continuous Improvement Process

Continuous Improvement team ensure Timetabling and Examination processes and systems are adopting to changing needs and expectations of students and staff.

1. Engagement


Collaboration with students and staff

We deliver change by engaging with various groups of stakeholders to identify opportunities for improvement, gather requirements and implement those via internal or university-wide projects.

We run regular Operation Groups for Teaching Office Staff. One of the meetings’ purpose is to update all stakeholders on incoming achieved enhancements to our services and gather users’ insight and ideas for further improvements. Examinations team is also running similar sessions for Invigilators.

Review sessions in Sep?, Surveys and feedback forms

We are currently planning on creating on forum for Timetable Coordinators and staff involved into examination timetable preparation process. Forum will be led by Timetabling and Examinations Operation Excellence Working Group and will aim to gather more detailed information on how timetables preparation processes (teaching and examinations) work on Schools side, how we can standardise the process and improve efficiency by better collaboration. The group will also be aiming on working out the optimal ways for communication with student and staff about their timetable.


Empowering our staff      

We engage all Timetabling and Examinations team members in delivering change by participation in Working Groups. We are currently running 9 Working Groups which are focusing on recommending and implementing improvements in the specific areas.  Working Groups involve team members of off three business areas and are excellent opportunity for staff personal development. They allow to gain knowledge about business analysis and user experience analysis tools as well as let team members to better understand business processes of other business areas.  

On a daily basis our team run ‘Stand up’ meetings to plan their daily workload, share concerns and ideas for improvements. Teams use Lean Visual Management (Visual Boards) to monitor performance, workload, issues and successes. The overall purpose of the stand-up meeting is to host something quick with dynamic energy that brings the team together. This improves communication between team members and managers, and create opportunity for much more efficient tasks allocation process. According to research, stand-up meetings take 34% less time and produce the same results as a sit-down meeting.


T&E Strategy

We currently work towards Timetabling and Examinations Strategy 2019 - 20122

We aim to achieve our service excellence by focusing on three main areas of:

  • Enhancing students and staff experience
  • Achieving process excellence
  • Maximising data integration and visualisation


In delivering objectives of our strategy and other University Strategies and Programmes’ objectives we strongly collaborate with teams responsible for delivering:

  • Student Experience Action Plan (STEAP)
  • Service Excellence Programme
  • Digital Transformation Programme
  • Estate Strategy
  • LST Strategy

For more information on our strategic goals and objectives please see Service Development Road Map

2. Our path to process excellence


Pathway to Excellence

Continuous Service Improvement (CSI) register

We gather all ideas for improvements in our Continuous Service Improvement register.

We prioritise them, analyse and gather baseline data. Projects are then assigned to an implementation lead. Each project is classified as delivering improvement in one or more areas:

  • User Experience
  • Communication
  • Process Excellence
  • Data Quality and Management


Once we deliver an improvement or change project we gather data to evidence the positive impact that this has had both for the people, stakeholders and wider organization. We report on progress and completion of project via our webpages ‘Implemented Improvements’.   We also note things which didn’t go well in lessons learned section of CSI register.