Creating Timetable Data

Creating Data using ECP and Enterprise Timetabler

Step 1 (ECP)

  • Within ECP, select Modules-Show to display Module Editor
  • Select relevant course from ‘module’ list by highlighting
  • Expand the + symbol by module name to check for any existing templates
  • From highlighted module, select Generate Activity Template to create new template. Repeat as necessary, then click Apply to update your changes

Step 2 (ECP)

  • Now select Templates-Show to display the Template Editor
  • Search for templates you need to configure or edit
  • Make sure your template has a Name that will be meaningful to students when viewing timetable info
  • Fill-in all relevant fields, in particular: Activity Type, Duration, Planned Size, Zone and Named Availability
  • Click Apply to update your changes

Step 3 (ECP)

  • Highlight the relevant Activity Template
  • In the Activities to Generate field, enter the number of activities you need to generate for this template, then click the Generate Activities symbol to the right of this field
  • Click Apply to update your changes
  • You do not need to follow Step 3 if your template already has the necessary activities generated against it – check the Existing Activities column for details

Step 4 (Enterprise Timetabler)

  • Search for your course via the Modules filter
  • Select the relevant course to display all associated activities
  • Select the Resources tab to begin the process of selecting:
    • Day and start time for activity
    • Within Location section, select a requirement for 1 room
    • Within Location section, select appropriate Suitabilities requirement – making sure to select 1 & 2 categories.
    • If appropriate, select a member of staff from the Staff section
  • After making all Resources selections you must select the Change Requirements button

Step 5 (Enterprise Timetabler)

  • From the ET menu bar, select the Request Mode icon – Request Mode will now appear on the bottom information bar, alongside your uun an amber traingle will appear at your suggested day/time, within the Combined Timetable view
  • To request without a specific location, set your suitabilities and click Accept under the Location – Search tab.
  • We recommend you don’t select a specific location, thus increasing your options
  • For a specific location, select rom the list of available locations under Manual Selection. Highlight the location you wish to request, then click the Accept button. This will submit the request.
  • Check that your Pending Requests (out) filter has increased by one


You can find a webcast with step-by-step instructions on how to create templates below: