Locally Allocated Spaces Contacts

Contact details for Locally Allocated Spaces

Schools and Colleges

Name School Contact for: Phone Email
Donna Wright Biological Sciences

Meeting rooms, Computer Labs and Labs

651 7051 Donna.Wright@ed.ac.uk
BMTO Biomedical Sciences East/West Lab & Anatomy Teaching Lab   BMTO@ed.ac.uk
Business School Business School All Teaching Rooms 650 8072 teaching.ops@business-school.ed.ac.uk
Business School Business School Conferencing Facilities   events@business-school.ed.ac.uk 
MBA Team Business School MBA Suite 650 3475 mba.support@business-school.ed.ac.uk
Chemistry Admin Chemistry Meeting Rooms & Labs 650 7546


Keith Wylde College MVM Chancellor's Building 242 9117 Keith.Wylde@ed.ac.uk  
Peter Reehal Divinity Rainy Hall   ncbookings@ed.ac.uk
Kate Monroe Edinburgh College of Art Specialist Rooms   Kate.Monroe@ed.ac.uk
Lucy Davie Engineering Labs 651 7073 Lucy.Davie@ed.ac.uk
Kath Will GeoSciences Geography (Old Infirmary): Computer Labs 650 9847 Kath.Will@ed.ac.uk
  GeoSciences Grant Institute & Crew Building    
Vicky MacTaggart Informatics Appleton Tower - computer labs/tutorial rooms (floor 3 and above) 651 5498 Vicky.MacTaggart@ed.ac.uk
School Office Informatics Informatics Forum   infevent@ed.ac.uk
Justyna Hajduczek Literatures, Languages and Cultures

50 George Square: Screening Room & Project Room

651 5984 LLC.Reception@ed.ac.uk
Carne Burke Literatures, Languages and Cultures 50 George Square: Computer Labs 1.01 & 1.02   carne.burke@ed.ac.uk
Alison Fairgrieve Mathematics JCMB: Computer Labs 650 5045 Alison.Fairgrieve@ed.ac.uk
School Office Moray House School of Education Old Nursery Building Meeting Room and Old Moray House, Cromwell and Balcony rooms   MHSES.SMT@ed.ac.uk
PPLS School Office Philosophy, Psychology and Language Science

Dugald Stewart Building: Meeting Rooms & Computer Labs

651 3083 ppls.schooloffice@ed.ac.uk
Rosie Edwards Physics and Astronomy JCMB : Computer Labs & Specialist Space 651 7067 sst-to@ph.ed.ac.uk
SPS Support Social and Political Sciences

Chrystal MacMillan Building: B.03 Computing Lab

650 4047 SPS.Support@ed.ac.uk
Lucy Pughe Veterinary Studies Vet School: Easter Bush   lucy.pughe@ed.ac.uk


Other Departments/Units

Name Department/ Unit Contact For: Phone Email
Claire Fox Centre for Open Learning Patersons Land 650 4400 COL@ed.ac.uk
Sarah Deters Centre for Research Collections St Cecilia's Hall 650 3069 Sarah.Deters@ed.ac.uk
Joanne MacRury Chaplaincy Centre Bristo Square (Potterow) 650 2595 joanne.macrury@ed.ac.uk
Joanne MacRury Chaplaincy Centre Mary Brück (Kings Buildings) 650 2595 joanne.macrury@ed.ac.uk
Reception Charles Stewart House*

Cheviot Room, Ochil Room

Torridon Room, Cuilin Room

650 9551 csh.reception@ed.ac.uk
Rodaidh McLaughlin Edinburgh Climate Change Institute ECCI, High School Yards 651 4655 Rodaidh.McLaughlin@ed.ac.uk
Claire Pryde Edinburgh First/ ACE McEwan Hall 651 2196 Claire.Pryde@ed.ac.uk
Ann Hunter Edinburgh University Student Union EUSA controlled rooms 650 4674 Anne.Hunter@eusa.ed.ac.uk
Reception Learning Spaces Technology Various Computer Labs 650 4097 learningspacestechnology@ed.ac.uk
Reception Old College*

Playfair Library

Carstares Room, Lee Room

Raeburn Room, Elder Room

650 8003

Moira Landels Reid School of Music Reid Concert Hall 651 4336 Moira.Landels@ed.ac.uk
Fiona Kneale User Services Division Argyle House 650 4141 Fiona.Kneale@ed.ac.uk
  Wilkie Building, Teviot Row All Rooms    


*The meeting rooms in Old College and Charles Stewart House are not available for teaching.