Student Timetables

Information and Guidance for Students on accessing timetables

Your academic timetable is referred to as your personalised teaching and examinations timetables or ‘Timetable on My Phone’.

This page provides detailed information about your teaching timetable. Click one of the links below to learn:

  • HOW is your personalised timetable created?
  • HOW do you choose optional courses?
  • WHAT does it show?
  • HOW do you request a change to group activities?
  • WHEN will your timetable be available on your phone or in the Web Timetables?
  • WHEN will changes be available on your phone or in the Web Timetables?
  • WHERE can you view it?

To learn more about examinations timetable please click here.


HOW is your personalised timetable created?

Your personalised teaching timetable is created in collaboration between the Schools and the Timetabling Unit. Preparation of the Teaching Timetable starts in January with the data collection process. The next step is data creation on the central timetabling system and the allocation of all teaching activities to rooms across the campus. The final stage of this process is student allocation.

The Timetable Data team start the allocation of students to their teaching activities as soon as students’ course data becomes available in central timetabling system, this will occur in August.

If you are interested in learning more about the teaching timetable creation process please click here.


HOW do you choose optional courses?

Degree programmes are made up of individual courses. Outside courses (also referred to as electives, optional courses, outside subjects...) are courses that are available to choose if your programme offers some level of flexibility. 

Please note that optional courses may only be applicable for certain degree programmes (e.g. BVM&S students) and some Postgraduate Taught students. Please refer to DRPS to confirm. 

You can research your course options before you start to consider how these courses will fit into your timetable (this includes locations/ times of classes/clashes with your compulsory classes). 

Teaching activities might be scheduled in different parts of a campus or across different campuses.

It may also be that the teaching activities you have chosen follow each other, therefore viewing course timetable will help you to plan your schedule.

There are two helpful tools to support you make your decisions. Those web applications are:


Course Timetable Browser (CTB) is a subsidiary component of Path that details the timetable information for programmes and courses selected. It allows you to model potential course choice options as part of ensuring a workable, clash-free timetable and what each day will look like for you. It can be accessed through your MyEd or   


Path is a degree programme tool that allows you to consider your whole degree pathway before your programme starts. You can review your compulsory courses and understand your co-requisite and pre-requisite courses to see how your outside course choices fit in.   To access go online: (requires EASE password).


Please note: these tools only assist you in considering your options and do not confirm any course enrolment. The Timetabling Team allocate students to their classes once courses have been chosen we are not able to offer advice. Your final optional course choices will be confirmed after you have followed the process notified to you by your School/Deanery. If you need support with that, contact your Student Adviser.


WHAT does it show?

The University is committed to delivering ‘whole-class’ (link to glossary) timetable information (activities that all enrolled students attend together, e.g. lectures), and sub-group (link to glossary) timetable information (e.g. tutorials).

Your personalised timetable shows your teaching activity title, date, time and location.

Your Schools may choose to provide your personalised timetable information via other channels, such as Learn or in the Course handbook. If the information shown via other communication channels does not match your ‘Timetable on MyPhone’, please note that your personalised timetable displays current live timetable information which may have superseded course handbook or Learn information since they were published or uploaded.


HOW do you request a change to group activities?

Timetabling service offer students the ability to intervene in their personalised timetable and re-schedule those group activities which conflict with each other or student’s other commitments such as work or child care. The Group Change Request Form should be used to request any amendments to your scheduled group activities (e.g. tutorials, workshops, labs).


WHEN will your timetable be available on your phone or in the Web Timetables?

‘Whole-class’ teaching events for your mandatory courses start to be populated in the end of August. Allocation to sub group activities takes place during the second half of September.

After you have been enrolled by your School on your optional courses you will be allocated by the central timetabling team to these courses – whole-class and group activities and their details will be also be fed to Office365 and Web Timetables.

‘Web Timetables – My Timetable’ should present all the teaching activities you’ve been allocated to in real time, at the point of allocation.

Office365 calendar will start showing your teaching activities from beginning of August. Due to volume of activities that will be populated in a scheduled phases.


When you can view your personalised timetable?*
My class is  taking place in: I can check it in  O365: I can check it in 'WebTimetables - My Timetable'
September Min. 1 week prior to the activity





At the moment of allocation to the teaching activity. Student allocation will take place from August.


Teaching events appear in Web Timetables within an hour from the allocation.

October by end September
November by end of week 3
December by end of week 3
January by late December
February by late December
March by late December
April by late December

*the above applies to ‘whole class’ teaching activities.


If nothing is showing on your personalised timetable please check with your Student Adviser or Student Support Officer  that your course enrolments have been processed. Once you are enrolled on a course, your timetable will be updated in a central timetabling system within 24h.


WHEN will changes be available on your phone or in the Web Timetables?

Once teaching starts, your teaching activity may be re-scheduled to another location, time or day due to unexpected circumstances.

Any changes to your timetable will be automatically updated into your personalised timetable. Changes are reflected in ‘WebTimetables - My Timetable’ within 1h, whereas amendments in Office36 can take up to 48h. You should still watch out for communication from your School about changes and other events as it may not always be possible to update the timetable system in real time.


WHERE can you view it?

Your personalised teaching timetable can be accessed through your Office365 account, which you can add to your phone, computer or other devices.

Alternatively, students can also view their timetables via the Web Timetables application. In MyEd, ‘Timetables’ can be found in the 'Studies’ tab, under ‘My Course’  column (on the left hand side).

Login into My Ed –


Office 365 - Timetable on My Phone

Information on how to install, access and use Office 365 calendars can be found here:

Timetable on My Phone

Guidance on how to set up Office365 account on any of your device can be found here: