Examination Adjustment Deadlines

Examinations: Adjustment Deadlines


In order to ensure that arrangements are in place in adequate time for your examinations all exam support must be agreed and documented on your Schedule of Adjustments. 


2024 May Exam Diet Adjustment Deadlines  

Examination Adjustment Deadline (Learning Profile arrangements and Temporary Injuries)



Adjustment Type Deadline for SoA



Scheduling adjustments

Any of the following:

  • No exams on consecutive days
  • Not to sit an exam AM/PM
Friday 09 February 17:00

Scheduling adjustments

Any of the following:

  • Individual rooms
  • Smaller rooms  
  • Assistive Technology
  • Furniture requirements 


Wednesday 14 February 17:00

Any of the following:

  • Extra time
  • Use of PC


Friday 15 March 17:00


  • All extra time will be applied as +1hr standard not as percentage

  • Exam diet will include exams scheduled on Saturdays




For more information and to make an appointment for assistance, please contact Student Disability Services